L-5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is a naturally occurring amino acid and chemical precursor as well as a metabolic intermediate in the biosynthesis of the neurotransmitters serotonin and melatonin from tryptophan.
Konig Laboratorium 5-HTP is to promote a healthy mood balance (Health Canada Monpgraph: 5-HTP).
Health Canada NPN: 80058877
Konig Laboratorium AHCC Plus, a synergic association of Active Hexose Correlated Compound (AHCC) + Beta glucan + Arabinogalactan with antioxidant and immune boosting properties.
Health Canada NPN: 80034342
Sex plays an important part in life. That is why Konig Laboratorium ALDORA contains an orthomolecular combination of traditional herbs and amino acids which are known to benefit sexual health in both men and women.
Health Canada NPN: 80059891
Konig Laboratorium Artemisinin Forte is a herbal compound with anti-parasitic, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.
Konig Laboratorium BETA CAROTENE + SELENIUM a formulation to strengthens the body’s resistance against oxidative damage.
Beta-carotene is considered an antioxidant and is also a precursor to vitamin A. This compound helps to maintain healthy skin and also in eye health. Individuals who consume the necessary levels of beta-carotene could lower their risk for coronary artery disease, stroke, macular degeneration, and other age-related diseases.
Selenium is a mineral essential for the immune function.
Health Canada NPN: 80043911
The formulation in Konig Laboratorium CAL-MAG 2:1 can safely be considered a factor in the maintenance of healthy bones and teeth.
Health Canada NPN: 80034996
Konig Laboratorium CHOLESTATIN contains 10 mg of Monacolin K, a natural ingredient approved in the European Union for lowering blood cholesterol
Konig Laboratorium Coenzyme PQQ is formulated to aim for mitochondria protection, a vital role to reverse the mitochondria aging effect.
Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ), an active ingredient which acts as an antioxidant protecting the mitochondria against free radicals. It also promotes the spontaneous generation of new mitochondria within aging cells, a process known as mitochondrial biogenesis resulting in significant health benefits.
Konig Laboratorium COLLOIDAL TRACE MINERALS with Calcium, Silica and Fulvic acid is a complex product for the maintenance of good health and for maintaining an alkaline pH in the body.
Health Canada NPN: 80040473
Konig Laboratorium Copper with Zinc Balance provides a daily dose of the two minerals which are essential for bodily functions. These minerals help to produce and repair connective tissue, form red blood cells, maintain immune function. Copper also helps in preventing copper deficiency in our bodies and also helps in maintaining overall cardiovascular health.
Health Canada NPN: 80044038
Konig Laboratorium Digestive Enzymes with pancreatin is the complete and most complex formulation for good digestion and for maintaining stomach health.
Health Canada NPN: 80060831
Salix Alba Bark, commonly known as White Willow, contains salicin, and it is the main active ingredient in Konig Laboratorium DISPIRIN. It is the natural form of the synthetic acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin).
Health Canada NPN: 80043916
Konig Laboratorium DNA Repair contains ingredients that can help the body repair DNA damage. The product contains two nucleic acids that are of importance for cellular nutrition and correct replication, namely RNA (Ribonucleic acid) and DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid).
Konig Laboratorium FERIVIT helps to form red blood cells and helps in their proper function. The product also helps in preventing iron deficiency / anemia.
Health Canada NPN: 80048943
Konig Laboratorium Germanium+ Organic supports the immune system, increases the production of interferon, and transports oxygen to the cells.
Konig Laboratorium Kurkuma-Pro with its main ingredient, Curcumin, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, making it a good choice for relieving joint inflammation.
Health Canada NPN: 80062746
L-Taurine is essential for the cardiovascular function, and development and function of skeletal muscle, the retina, and the central nervous system.
Konig Laboratorium L-Taurine
Health Canada NPN: 80044760
Konig Laboratorium Lactase assists in the digestion of foods containing milk or dairy products containing lactose.
Health Canada NPN: 80063056
Konig Laboratorium Lipidol helps lower blood total (and LDL) cholesterol.
Health Canada NPN: 80045565
Konig Laboratorium Lutein + Zeaxanthin helps to reduce the risk of developing cataract, to improve macular pigment optical density, to maintain eyesight against age-related macular degeneration.
Antioxidant for the maintenance of eye health.
Health Canada NPN: 80045581
Konig Laboratorium Lycopene is an antioxidant that helps to support prostate health.
Health Canada NPN: 80043851
Konig Laboratorium LYMPHSTREAM helps to drain the lymph. Lymphatic system is a parallel network of vessels that carry the fluid called lymph containing lymphocytes and other immune system components.
Konig Laboratorium Microhydrinase provides an orthomolecular combination of micro-nutrients that help to protect the cell and reduce the cellular oxidative damage caused by free radicals.
Heath Canada NPN: 80068385
Myo Inositol, the key active ingredient in Konig Laboratorium Myo INOSITOL, has been identified as an important dietary and cellular constituent.